Logo Gallio

Pursuant to article 1, cc 125 et seq. of law 124/2017, which imposes the obligation on non-profit organisations to publish information relating to grants, contributions, paid positions and any other form of economic advantage received from public organisations and companies, Collegio Gallio fulfills its duty of tranparency and reporting.

of conformity

Collegio Gallio declares that the data an information on this website relating to the resources collected during 2019 are complete, accurate and truthful compliant with the dictates of law 124/2017.
We are aware of the importance of transparency and the correct reporting of revenue received from public bodies, and therefore we are committed to respecting and fulfilling these provisions.

We believe it is essential to have exhaustive and updated information regarding the economic resources received accessible to our users and to those who interact with Collegio Gallio, ensuring maximum transparency and compliance with current legislative directives. Collegio Gallio is committed to respecting and fulfilling all legislative provisions regarding transparency and economic reporting in order to ensure correct and coplete information for the good of our community.


Pontificio Collegio Gallio

Via Tolomeo Gallio 1
22100 Como
[email protected]

+39 031 269302

C.F. e P.IVA: 03145110155
